Oral Presentation
Oral presentations are scheduled from July 21st to 25th in the auditorium. The conference will have laptops running Mac OS and Microsoft Windows. Keynote or Power Point (ppt, pptx) will be available as a presentation file.
You can preview your presentation on the conference’s Mac OS or Microsoft Windows computer and make minor adjustments as needed.
Speakers are not allowed to use their own laptops for the presentation. All presentation files will be deleted from the conference computers after the conference.
Please submit your presentation file(s) on a USB memory stick in the backstage to the technicians. This would be possible during all breaks and in the evening between 17:30 and 18:00pm.
Each type of presentation is assigned in the conference program:
- Plenary Lecture (50 minutes including questions)
- Invited Lecture (30 minutes including questions)
- Short Talk (15 minutes including questions))
Three to five minutes of this time should be reserved for questions and comments from the audience. Please note, therefore, that your presentation under no circumstances can be longer than the scheduled time and that the timetable will be strictly respected.
Presentation Guideline
To maximize the quality and clarity of your presentation, please follow these guidelines.
Use 16:9 format for all slides.
Please ensure that you are using standard installed system fonts.
Lettering and numbering must be readable from the back of the room.
Avoid the use of embedded Microsoft “objects” (e.g.„ Excel graphs) that may be linked to external files or websites.
If your presentation files contain audio (sound or speech), animation, or short film files, it is recommended that you save each file separately and submit it with your presentation file to the backstage technicians for review.
Poster Presentation
The poster size is A0 format, which means:
118,90 cm height
84,10 cm width
Posters will be presented on the second floor in the Convention Center.
The poster boards are made of hard plastic. Suitable stickers are available at the registration desk.
Presenters are expected to present their posters during dedicated poster session time Posters will be presented on the second floor.
Poster Session 1+2
Where: Gallery left
Poster Numbers: 1 – 48
Where: Gallery right
Poster Numbers: 49 – 96
Poster Session 1
Where: Ball-Room
Poster Numbers: 97 – 197
Where: Kammermusik-Room
Poster Numbers: 198 – 277
Poster Session 2
Where: Ball-Room
Poster Numbers: 278 – 379
Where: Kammermusik-Room
Poster Numbers: 380 – 459
Where: Robert-Schumann-Room
Poster Numbers: 460 – 491
Poster Session 1
The posters will be set up on the evening of the previous day so that participants who visit the poster area early can see your poster. You have to collect your posters until Tuesday 12:30 p.m., so that participants from poster session 2 have free boards for their posters.
You are responsible for setting up and dismantling your own poster. Unused posters are not the responsibility of the conference center organizers, planners or staff and will be destroyed after the conference.
Poster Session 2
The posters will be set up on the evening of the previous day so that participants who visit the poster area early can see your poster. You have to collect your posters until Thursday 14:30 p.m.
You are responsible for setting up and dismantling your own poster. Unused posters are not the responsibility of the conference center organizers, planners or staff and will be destroyed after the conference.